April 2022-present
Postdoctoral Researcher
Danish School of Education (DPU), Aarhus University Copenhagen
Research on computer science education.
Ongoing projects:
ICILS 2023 (International Computer and Information Literacy Study)
Naturvidenskabelig almendannelse og teknologiforståelse i udskolingen. Et fagdidaktisk bidrag i krydsfeltet mellem teori og praksis.
Evalueringsstrategier for digital myndiggørelse i Videnscenter for Digital Teknologiforståelse

October 2021-April 2022
Research Assistant
Danish School of Education (DPU), Aarhus University Copenhagen
Research on computer science education, hereunder the project ICILS 2023 (International Computer and Information Literacy Study)

January 2018-November 2021
PhD Student
Danish School of Education (DPU), Aarhus University Copenhagen / Teacher Education, University College Copenhagen
Research on computational thinking and technology comprehension in compulsory education (K-9).
PhD defence and award of PhD degree took place on Feb 22, 2022

October 2017-November 2017
Visiting Researcher
College of Education, Michigan State University
Involved in research on computational thinking in K-12 and teacher education as part of the CSEER group at College of Education, Michigan State University

April 2017-October 2017
Teacher (substituting position)
Overseas Family School (, Singapore
Teaching Danish as a Mother Tongue language at an international school in Singapore based on the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) for Pre-Kindergarden and Kindergarten, International Primary Curriculum (IPC) for Elementary School and International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) Language and Literature for Middle School. Furthermore assisting Chess classes and observing/assisting Coding in Elementary School.

June 2017-July 2017
Research Assistant
The Danish School of Education (DPU / Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse), Aarhus University
Assisting in the IEA ICILS 2018 Field Trial scoring. ICILS (International Computer and Information Literacy Study) 

January 2014-April 2017
Publishing Editor
Dafolo Forlag
Developing and editing educational research-based books, articles and learning resources within K-10 and Teacher Education, especially focusing on 21st century learning, ICT and pedagogical use of educational technology. Furthermore organising national and international education conferences, hereunder creating the programs and moderating sessions.
List of edited publications.

June 2013-September 2017
Consultant and Content Writer (sideline: part-time and freelance)
Bonnier Publications
Freelance 2016-2017: Writing articles on health, lifestyle and architecture/interior design for the online mazagines, and
Part-time: 2013-2016: Consultant at selecting products for the webshop, writing web content texts, creating pieces of graphic design and writing articles for especially and

August 2012-January 2014
Publishing Editor
Undervisningsforlaget DigTea
Developing, authoring and editing educational materiales and digital learning resources. Creating book files with Adobe InDesign.

July 2010-August 2012
Web Author and Web Editor
Casanova Furniture
Authoring and editing webshop content (texts and graphics), brand research, product selection, communication with partners and concept development.

October 2008-July 2010
Skørping Skole, Klostermarksskolen and Farstrup Skole
Primarily teaching Danish, Math and PE in Grade 1-9

Cafe and Nightclub Manager
Responsible for making decisions regarding staffing and training of personnel, drink selection, live music, events, concepts, atmosphere, bookkeeping, advertising and proper inventory levels of food, drink, and other supplies.

Substitute Teacher
Sønderbroskolen, Aalborg


PhD in Educational Research
Research on computational thinking and technology comprehension in compulsory education (K.9)
Danish School of Education (DPU), Aarhus University / Teacher Education, University College Copenhagen

Design Processes and Digital Fabrication (Single MA Subject)
Single Subject Enrollment in the IT, Interaction Design and Multimedia MA programme
Aarhus University

ICT and Educational Design (Single MA Subject)
Single Subject Enrollment in the ICT and Learning MA programme
Aalborg University, Copenhagen

Cand.mag. / MA Programme in Learning and Innovative Change
Specialised in Pedagogy and Pedagogical Innovation
Aalborg University

Teacher Education Programme / Bachelor of Education

Specialised in Grade 1-10, Danish, Math, English, German
University College Nordjylland

1st – 2nd semesters in German

European Culture and Society, Science and Intellectual History, Society and Topics of Social, Political or Cultural Significance in the German-speaking Region, Phonetics
Aalborg University


Assistant Teacher
SaturdayKids, Singapore
Assisting in teaching 6-9 years old kids Scratch programming (level 1 and 2)
2 x 2Hr 40min Lessons


DataEthics network member and contributor/writer: “a politically independent ThinkDoTank based in Denmark with a European (and global) outreach”.

Member of the pedagogical research network on IT
2019-2020: National Agency for IT and Learning, Danish Ministry of Education

Responsible moderator of Dafolo’s professional network meetings on Danish as a school subject in compulsory education

Member of the CEDI network, participating in meetings on digitization of schools

Responsible moderator of Dafolo’s professional network meetings on compulsory education in general



Media Course held by the newspaper, “Dagbladet Information”
Copenhagen, Denmark

Introduction to Scale Validation
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Introduction to R
University of Southern Denmark, Odense


R Statistics Essential
Tertiary Courses, Singapore

Basic PHP
Tertiary Courses, Singapore


Danish (mother tongue), English, Norwegian, German